However, due to my lack of experience in the 10k, I was feeling a high level of anxiety leading up to the race. I tried to just stay positive and expect a good outcome, but there were still a lot of nerves. I was thinking about how painful 5ks are, and I hated to think of that type of discomfort stretched out over 6.2 miles.

The start line was less than a 5 minute walk from my condo.

I was side-by-side with the 2nd place female. The 1st place female was only about 20 feet ahead of us, so I said, "Just keep her in your sights." She agreed, and we continued on together. After reaching the 3rd mile marker I was ready to step it up, but 2nd place female was starting to fade. I wished her good luck, and started to push. At this point I got caught in "no man's land." The leaders were barely in sight, but I was breaking away from everyone behind me. I didn't mind though, because I was feeling surprisingly well. I really couldn't believe it. Yes, it was tough at times, but this was perhaps one of the only races where I never recalled thinking, "Holy shit, this sucks soooo much!! I can't wait for this to be over!" It just never happened. I was simply feeling too strong to allow any negative thoughts to enter my head.
With a mile to go, I really started to dig. Some of the leaders started coming back into sight, and I began chasing them down and picking them off. I've felt this kind of late-stage drive in my past few races. It's quite possibly my favorite thing about running.

Mile 1- 6:34
Mile 2- 7:00
Mile 3- 7:01
Mile 4- 6:51
Mile 5- 6:42
Mile 6- 6:14
0.2- 1:09 (5:45 pace)
FINISH- 41:40 (6:43 avg pace)
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