The race is called the Soldier Field 10 because the finish is on the 50 yard line. The weather was PERECT! Low 60s, sunny, and hardly any wind.

I'll never understand how people can start in places at which they have no business lining up.

At mile 6 the fatigue started to set in hard. I realized that I probably started out too fast.

With 3 miles left, I was REALLY struggling. I kept looking at my Garmin in disbelief at how slowly each mile was going by. I felt like I was dragging. My quads tightened up, and some cramping set in. The discomfort was intense, I just tried not to fade.
I was somehow able to dig down in the last mile, and I kicked it out pretty good in the last quarter mile. Knowing the race is almost over and passing people seems to really help. Here are the splits...
Mile 1- 7:14
Mile 2- 7:20
Mile 3- 7:17
Mile 4- 7:26
Mile 5- 7:16
Mile 6- 7:09
Mile 7- 7:22
Mile 8- 7:12
Mile 9- 7:27
Mile 10- 6:56
FINISH- 1:12:41 (7:17 avg pace)
363/6,045 Overall, 81/667 AG
I'm definitely happy with the outcome of this race. But part of me wanted more. According to the McMillan running calculator, based on my recent 10k time of 41:40, I should be able to run a 10 miler in 1:09:49. I didn't expect to do that, but I thought I could get close. I love the 5k-10k, but maybe I need to accept the fact that I'm not cut out for the distance stuff?

As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for your unending support.

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