Sounds a little backwards to run a marathon before running a 5k, but oh well. I was somewhat apprehensive about whether I was fully recovered for this race, but I felt good going into it, so I decided if my first mile was solid I would go for it. I've been thinking about breaking 20:00 for a long time now, and based on my previous 3 mile times I knew it'd be close...REAL close.
I start out toward the front because I don't want to worry about weaving around people in such a short race. Within the first quarter mile things really thin out (I must admit, it was a pretty neat feeling to hang with the frontrunners). About half way through the first mile I notice this one kid (couldn't have been more than 16 or 17) was keeping pace with me. I asked what he was shooting for and he said he just wanted to break 20. Sweet! I've got me a pacing partner. I told him that was my goal too and we agreed to grind it out together. The first mile went great, so I decided to go for it. Here's the splits....
Mile 1- 6:19
Mile 2- 6:20
Mile 3- 6:28
0.1- 0:39
Finish- 19:47
I finished 16th out of 937 overall and 1st in my division!! I had a feeling that I'd have a solid overall finish, but winning my division was something I NEVER expected.
Looking forward to my next 5k. Thanx for reading
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