I never sleep well before these races, so I had some people over last night. They were partying, but I was a good boy.

The course was a zoo!

The weather was INCREDIBLE!!

I was in the 'C' start corral so I started in front of many people, but there were still plenty ahead of me. The gun goes off, and I think it took me about 2 minutes to cross the start line. Right off the bat I was getting soooo frustrated by getting stuck behind packs of people. I probably ran an extra 3 miles from all the weaving I had to do.

I'm really starting to dislike the intensity of these shorter races.

The finish line was a wonderful sight, but I was too fatigued to have any significant kick. The last mile was my fastest though. I just kinda pushed a lil harder with whatever I had left. I crossed the finish line, put my hands on my knees, and panted for a good 3 or 4 minutes.

There was SOOO much food at the post-race party. Chips, cookies, candy, pretzels, crackers etc. People were emptying out the boxes (which were the size of 2 shoes boxes) and filling them to the brim! I wasn't really that hungry, so I just looked on, somewhat in awe of how greedy people were. But I did down 3 bottles of water, and 4 cups of Gatorade, so maybe I'm just as guilty

I ran into a former law student that I used to date. Fortunately we're on good terms now, so I hung out with her and some of her friends at the post-race party. There was a band and free beer, so that was kinda fun. I think I'll give her a call, maybe rekindle a lil sumin' sumin'

My Garmin lost its signal when I went under a tunnel, so no splits. I'm thinking about maybe getting a regular watch for races, and just hitting the split button at every mile marker.
FINISH- 35:12
Overall I'm pleased with this time as it's about a full minute faster than I was expecting, and I qualified to start in the 'A' corral for next year's race.

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