Pumpkins In The Park 5k (10-14-07)
I say race report because yes, I actually raced it. I can't believe I tried convincing myself that it would be a nice easy tempo run.
It's a fun Halloween race, and there were all kinds of funny costumes and cute kids.
I really did plan on going out at about a 7:30-7:45 pace for the first 2 miles, and then seeing what I had left in the last mile, but I guess I lined up too close to the front of the start line. When the gun went off people were flying, so I just kinda hung with them. I was feeling TERRIFIC!
When I hit the first mile, I realized that I went out waaaaay too fast, so I just said fuck it, it's too late to make this a tempo run, now it's a race.It's an out and back course and at the 1.5 mile turn around point I was still feeling great, but starting to get a little fatigued. I thought about Possum, and that perked me up a bit. I don't think I can go a race without thinking about him. It's funny, I don't even know the guy, but he gets me so fired up!
At mile 1.75 I was tired, but still couldn't believe how strong I was feeling. I might have slowed down a bit, but I got a catcall from one of the girls handing out water.
That helped me step it up. 
At mile 2.0 I caught up with a double amputee. This guy had no legs but he was absolutely hauling ass!! I was about to pass him, but I said, c'mon bro, let's do this! That helped him step it up a bit. I really tried to drop this guy, but I just couldn't. He was moving really well, so I kept pushing on strong. It was such a great feeling to be able to hammer out that last mile. At about mile 2.5 a pack of 4 guys came into view. I said to the guy next to me, "let's pick them off by the end of race." He agreed, and we somehow pushed harder! We caught and passed them.
The whole time I kept thinking, wow, I can't believe I'm running this well.I saw the 3 mile marker and I just turned it into overdrive!
I finally dropped that guy, and just friggin crushed the last 0.1 like it was a can of Redbull
I grabbed some water and wolfed down 3 slices of pizza.
Here's the splits...Mile 1- 6:25Mile 2- 6:46Mile 3- 6:160.1- 0:47 FINISH- 20:15This is my 2nd fastest 5k, and a HUGE confidence booster after last week's marathon debacle.
Thanks for reading.
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