I guess we can start with the expo. For the record, I LOVE expos!

On to race day. I went to bed at 8:45

I love the downtown area of Chicago where the race starts, and the crowds were 4 or 5 people deep in certain parts! The first 5 miles of the race were great. I saw several friends that I had posted at certain points on the course. I'm so grateful for their support.

I was almost in shock that things were going so poorly. I couldn't accept the fact that I was gassing out so early. I kept saying to myself, "I can't believe this is actually happening." My thought process was so negative, that couldn't have helped. By mile 12 I had pretty much nothing left, I knew the rest of the race was going to be a disaster.

At some point I ran into my friend Sean who works at the store with me. He told me that he couldn't find his father (who he was running with) and was just looking to finish the race. Sean saw how badly I was struggling, and told me that he was going to grind it out with me and make sure I finished. I couldn't believe it, he is a very strong runner and could easily have ran the rest of the race by himself at a respectable pace. Instead he decided to stick it out with me, walk when I needed to walk, and plod along when I was ready to plod. I thanked him profusely throughout the race, and told him how much it meant to me.

Oh, you may not have heard this yet, but it was hot! People were passing out like flies. Collapsing left and right. Each and every medical tent I passed was PACKED. I must have seen at least 7 or 8 people getting loaded into stretchers.

It got to the point where I felt like my body was falling apart at the seams.

The lil sister finished in 3:54. I'm sure she could have finished considerably better but for the conditions.
I ended up finishing in 5:08:47. Am I disappointed with that outcome? Absolutely. But the bottom line is that my primary goal for the past 6 months was to get healthy and finish this race.... mission accomplished. The fact that I made it uninjured from August until now is an absolute miracle!

Once again, I must thank everyone (or at least most people) for the overwhelming support and encouragement you've given me. It means more than you know...

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