Aside from some slight winds, I couldn't have asked for nicer weather in early March.

As we were waiting in line for the port-a-potties, some dude took off his shirt. "Not that big of a deal," I thought, "it's warm enough to forgo a shirt." Then for a top, he pulled on a large pizza costume over his torso. "Ok," I thought, "it's a snack food themed race, I guess that's understandable." Then he took off his pants and was wearing nothing but a light blue flowered speedo!!

The horn went off, and of course people started closer to the starting line than they had any business doing.

Sure enough, VERY early in the 2nd mile, the discomfort came on real strong. It started with a gradual buildup, but got more and more intense. When the pain got bad, I would try to focus on how well I was doing, and that made it subside a bit. At one low point I thought to myself, "man I really wish I hadn't taken those 2 weeks off," but I abruptly nipped that type of thinking in the bud, and reverted to convincing myself I was running well. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but think how blissful it would be to just stop right then and there.
With a little less than one mile to go, despite desperately wanting it to end, I somehow felt like I had a little more in me. I squeezed out whatever I had left, and started picking people off. I spent a good amount of time looking at the course map, so I knew exactly where I was and how far I had to go, that really helped. With about half a mile to go, Pizza Speedo Guy came into view!!

I wish I had a stronger kick at the end, but I think I went out too hard in the first mile, and started stepping it up too early in the last mile. Strategy will come to me with patience and experience.
Mile 1- 6:18
Mile 2- 6:32
Mile 3.1- 6:49 (6:12 pace)
FINISH- 19:39 (6:20 avg)
An unexpected PR by 7 seconds. I've been chasing it since October 2006

I'm very happy with the outcome of this race, but I know that I've got more in me if I can stay healthy.

As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for your unending support.

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